Call For Presentations

Management Developers Conference (MDC) 2011 Call for Presentations
Nov 14-17, 2011 San Mateo Marriott
San Mateo, California

Management Developers Conference (MDC) educates, trains software developers and other technical experts about the exciting and evolving technologies for developing and deploying enterprise management solutions. MDC is one-stop shopping for all your standards-based enterprise management needs.

MDC encourages participation by individuals and organizations with standards, research or practical experience for standards-based management, including government and commercial users, universities, research laboratories, and early adopters.

As a Management Developers Conference presenter, you'll benefit from the prestige and visibility associated with participating in this year's highly anticipated conference program. Management Developers Conference is now accepting abstracts for the November 2011 conference program. Individuals interested in presenting need to submit their abstract by Friday, July 15, 2011 for consideration.

Specific areas of interest for MDC 2011 include standards, research and practical experience for standards-based management for the following:

How to submit an abstract:

Fill out the Call For Presentations Submission Form and submit it electronically to . Include submission title, author name(s), target audience (Introductory, Intermediate, Advanced), type(s) (Standard, Developer, Product, Tools), organization, address, telephone number, fax number, e-mail address, length of presentation (see below) and a brief description of how your contribution relates to the theme of this conference. Also designate a primary contact person, phone number, and e-mail address. Submissions are due July 15, 2011. Authors will be notified by email on July 29, 2011.



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